Jump Ring Coiling and Cutting Jig Plans


This is a high performance jump ring winder. I have made jump rings in the past by winding them by hand, using just a drill and a rod, and a simple jig. I wanted something that would be easy to make a lot of jump ring wire coils really fast, and be able to wind on 4 foot steel rods. This jig can wind over 3 feet of jump ring coil in under 1 minute from start to finish. This is great if you want to make chainmail armor, or other projects that take a lot of rings. For example, you can wind an entire hauberk worth of coils in under an hour!

The measurements in these plans are given in both metric and imperial units. I am using Baltic birch plywood, but you can use any plywood or solid wood as this project is pretty forgiving on material. I refer to the 18mm Baltic birch in these plans as ¾” thick, but the plans work fine with slight differences in thickness (18mm, or 19mm, ¾” or 23⁄32”).

Additionally the jump ring cutter plans have two versions, the 3D printed version and the made by hand version. If you are choosing between the two they work the same, but the 3D printed one is easier if you printer can handle water tight and large prints. You can easily mix and match the parts between the two versions as they are compatible with each other. The cutter produces smooth ends on the jump rings, and makes in my opinion vastly superiors rings to hand cutting with wire clippers.

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